What We Do

  • Vote Rev Logo highlighting innovations and voter engagement strategies to help Democratic candidates win.

    Vote Rev is a PAC that designs and quickly mainstreams field-tested voter engagement innovations to help Democrats win. Learn more about our sister organization Vote Rev Action Fund.

Becoming Vote Rev

Vote Rev began with a question. We all have powerful influence over our social networks, but people who are disengaged from politics have influence over friends often unreached by traditional campaign tactics. What would it take to unleash the power of those disengaged voters -- “non-activists” -- to spark their friends to vote at scale? 

We designed the vote tripling tactics to do just that. When campaigns and allied organizations asked for help implementing our field-tested behavioral tactics, we hired organizing experts to make sure they had the support they needed to integrate the tactics seamlessly into their field plans. 

Through the process of developing and refining the vote tripling tactics, and working with partners to implement them, we created a sustainable model for designing and scaling voter engagement innovations across the progressive movement. But now we’re ready to go beyond vote tripling and break new ground.

Our new name, Vote Rev, captures the essence of what we do: we’re an engine for innovation that is on course to revolutionize the way the progressive movement engages with voters. 

As a growing nonprofit behavioral design team, Vote Rev will continue to improve the vote tripling suite of tactics while designing new voter engagement innovations to help progressives win.

How we support your work

Our Partner Success Team supports campaigns and organizations to successfully implement Vote Rev and Vote Rev Action Fund tactics (like polling place vote tripling) in line with research-informed and field-vetted best practices. We’ll work with your organization to determine the best ways to incorporate our tactics into your existing program, and then provide end-to-end support to Election Day.

While our tactics are easy to understand, adopt, and scale, our partners have reported getting more out of our tactics if they work with us. If you’re interested in learning more about our free training and coaching, we’d love to know more about how we can support you!