Michael Cohn


As Vote Rev and Vote Rev Action Fund's Deputy Director of Research: Data and Evaluation, Michael (he/him) ensures that we're using our skills and funding on the most effective, impactful innovations to protect our democracy. He has over a decade of experience in psychology research, creating and scaling up interventions that use mindfulness and emotional skills to reduce the impact of chronic illness. In 2015 he transitioned to UX research, working on behavioral economics at Uber and on major interface redesigns at Google Maps. He helped found Indivisible San Francisco, and in 2020 he led a team of volunteer UX researchers and designers to strengthen the Biden campaign's online volunteer operation.

Michael joined Vote Rev and Vote Rev Action Fund in September 2021 to ensure that our tactics combine hard-won partner experience and human centered design with rigorous testing at scale. He has a PhD in social psychology from the University of Michigan. He grew up in Houston and Austin, Texas and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his partner Elizabeth, six pet snails, and an indeterminate number of baby snails. In his free time he runs tabletop role-playing games, bicycles around the city, and thinks nonstop about making life better with gamification and habit loops.