Michael Kaemingk


As Deputy Director of Research Partnerships, Michael (he/him) establishes opportunities to apply Vote Rev's behavioral design expertise to solve critical problems for partners in the progressive movement.

Previously, Michael was a Principal Advisor at the Behavioral Insights Team (BIT), where he last led BIT Americas' work with State and Local Governments in the U.S. His research focused on applying behavioral science to a wide range of subjects, including improving government service delivery in the U.S. and internationally, decreasing violence, improving the quality of civic information ecosystems, and realigning technology with human flourishing. Before joining BIT, Michael worked for a microfinance NGO in Ghana, provided executive search consulting services for nonprofits and foundations, and co-founded a media company that explored the ethical implications of emerging technology.

Michael holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics with a specialization in International Economic Development from Seattle University. He is a 2018 Transatlantic Digital Debates Fellow with the Global Public Policy Institute. Michael lives in Portland, Oregon and is currently addicted to pickleball.